Atlanta Retired Educators Association
Atlanta Retired Educators Association


The AREA mission shall be to support the mission of GREA and to keep retired educators in Metropolitan Atlanta informed of community and political issues that impact their lives at local, state, and national levels.


Second Fridays at 11:00 AM of the following months: September, October, November, January, March and May 2021 - 2023.




To provide opportunity for support and fellowship with friends and retired educators.
To provide an organizational framework through which retired educators can continue a life of service to fellow members, to active colleagues, and their communities.
To respond to community needs and encourage retired educators to contribute their talents and experience to the decision-making processes in their communities.
To familiarize retired and active educators with benefits of membership in the Local Unit and the State Organization.

Contact Us

Atlanta Retired Educators Association (AREA)


Martha W. Plowden, Ph.D. 

Ms. Helen Carithers



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© Atlanta Retired Educators Association